Rec market meeting 2025
Investing in Impact

Join industry veterans and newcomers to navigate the evolving landscape of renewable markets amidst heightened scrutiny and high European GO prices during the 13th edition of the REC Market Meeting 2025.

8-9 April 2025
Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
A Convergence of Ideas

REC Market Meeting: Investing in Impact

Investing in Impact

The 2025 REC Market Meeting will take place at a time when businesses and governments are planning for the next decade of climate action. Public and private bodies are implementing their climate and energy programmes targeting 2030, and we already know that they will not be enough. By 2040, most of the world, and certainly all industrialised countries, will need to be entirely decarbonised. As we shift our focus to the next decade, we should all ask ourselves whether we are investing enough in efforts that safeguard the environment, society, and the economy. At RMM2025, RECS, our sponsors, supporting associations, and all delegates will contribute to answering this question. We will unite to demand that renewable energy markets invest in the solutions we need to benefit ourselves and our planet.

A record of success.

The REC Market Meeting has been a resounding success for well over a decade. Each year, we have seen an increase in the number of delegates attending the event, and in 2024, we filled our largest venue yet. We anticipate RMM2025 to be even bigger as renewable markets continue to grow and the conference offers even more. We are confident that the upcoming conference will be the best one yet.
Therefore, we urge you to book your spot without delay!

Download the RMM2025 Brochure.

The Programme

Delve into sessions across three streams focusing on European and global market developments, legislative updates, and foundational knowledge in renewable energy.

Day 1
09:30 - 11:00
Lindberg, Tom
White, Adam
1 Keynote | Investing in impact – What can renewable energy markets achieve? 

Renewable energy markets and energy attribute certificates have long proven their ability to track the ownership of energy attributes robustly and reliably from producer to consumer. By doing this, they enable consumers to choose the type of energy they prefer to purchase and also give renewable generators supplementary income. But what more could, and should, they be doing? In this session, a panel of industry experts will make the case for investing in impact, no only for renewables, but also for people and the planet.

Day 1
11:30 - 12:30
2a | Deep-dive – Is reshaping EU renewable markets possible?

European renewable energy markets have been through a turbulent time in recent years. From regulatory changes to price fluctuations and from accusations of greenwashing to proposals for radical reform. During this session, speakers who are knowledgeable and experienced will discuss if the current approach of making incremental improvements in Europe’s renewable energy markets is enough or if we need to completely reshape these markets to achieve their potential impact.

Day 1
11:30 - 12:30
Tytgat, Jan
2b | Overview – What could change in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol?

During this session, expert speakers will discuss whether consumers are contributing enough towards promoting the growth of renewables through energy attribute markets. Ours is a market with a mission – to help drive
the energy transition, cut emissions, and tackle climate change. Although all markets must be economically sound, renewables markets have the potential to provide social and environmental advantages. Can consumers shape the market or does the market shape them? Alternatively, should legislators implement further regulations to ensure that renewables markets meet our shared objectives?

Day 1
11:30 - 12:30
Hamers, Tim
2c | Renewable Gas – Biomethane certification and GOs: what’s next?

The biomethane certification process can appear complicated due to the existence of multiple certificates serving different objectives. There are Guarantees of Origin (GOs), Proofs of Sustainability (PoS), and in some countries, national certificates. Understanding the roles and differences of each certificate can be challenging, especially for those who are new to the market. In this session, expert speakers will introduce the different biomethane attribute certificates and explain the practical aspects of how to use them. The panel will discuss how market participants and regulators could further develop this important sector.

Day 1
11:30 - 12:30
2d | Understanding the basics – How are energy certificates issued and why? 

This session aims to introduce newcomers to renewable electricity markets to the fundamental concept of attribute tracking. Specifically, speakers in this session will explain why attribute tracking is important and will cover the first step in the process: how electricity certificates are issued. This session will kick-start the D-stream and prepare participants for the following sessions by laying the foundation for tracking energy attributes.

Explore the programme

Meet Our Speakers

Gain insights from a lineup of esteemed speakers who are at the forefront of renewable energy, driving consumer-centric solutions and policies.

Braslawsky, Jared
Executive Director
International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC
Debay, Ivan
Founder & CEO
Güngör, Merve
Policy and Network Manager
RECS Energy Certificate Association
White, Adam
RECS Energy Certificate Association

Our sponsors

We acknowledge the invaluable support of our sponsors, who play a crucial role in advancing consumer-driven renewable energy initiatives.
Platinum sponsor
Gold sponsor
Silver sponsor(s)
Bronze sponsor(s)
Meeting sponsor(s)
Media partner(s)
Supporting association(s)
Learn more about the sponsors

Attending organizations

We acknowledge the invaluable support of our sponsors.

Å Energi
ACT Commodities
Argus Media
Asahi Europe & International
Axpo Solutions
Bischoff & Ditze Energy
BKW Energie
BMP Green Gas
C-Zero Markets
Caely Renewables
Centre for Resource Solutions
Danish Bio Commodities
DLA Piper
ECS Schweiz
EKOenergy Ecolabel
Energieallianz Austria
Energy Peace Partners
Enovos Luxembourg
First Climate Markets
Fortum Power and Heat
Gaia Environment
Gestore Mercati Energetici
GGN Energy
GO2 Markets
Granular Energy
Green Power Hub
Grexel Systems
Hamburg Institute
ICE Endex
KlimaInvest Green Concepts
Lyse Produksjon
Mt Stonegate Green Asset Management
Ørsted Salg & Service
Proctor & Gamble
RECS Energy Certificate Association
Shell Energy Europe
SKS Handel
The International Tracking Foundation
TÜV SÜD Industrie Service
University of Essex
Vattenfall Energy Trading
x-markets consulting
View all attending organisations

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