The programme
7-8-9 April 2025
Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam
Due to the success of previous years, we are adding to the programme and will run a programme of four parallel streams. Each session will highlight current and future opportunities in the renewable energy sector.

Building on the success of previous years, we plan to maximise the space offered by the Beurs van Berlage for the conference by including a complete renewable gas stream in our programme. The streams will provide sessions for delegates with varying levels of experience, including deep dives for experts, overview sessions for those looking to learn more, and introductory sessions for those who are new to renewable energy markets. By incorporating a renewable gas stream, we are confident that we will address subjects that appeal to the interests of a greater number of delegates from more countries than ever before. During the parallel sessions that take place between the opening and closing keynote speeches, each session will examine how markets can facilitate significant investments in renewable energy. The goal is to drive crucial reductions in emissions. Buy your ticket today to join the largest gathering of renewable energy market participants worldwide!

Delve into sessions across four streams focusing on European and global market developments, legislative updates, and foundational knowledge in renewable energy.

Stream A | Deep-dive

Designed for experienced professionals in the renewables market, these sessions will provide in-depth coverage of specific regulatory and market topics. Delegates will have the opportunity to get answers to their most challenging questions.

Stream B | Overview

These sessions are designed to help delegates gain a better understanding of a particular market or regulatory development. The sessions will provide an introduction, followed by insights into how these topics may develop in the future.

Stream C | Renewable gas

EAC markets are expanding rapidly, with particular growth in the area of renewable gases. RMM25 will include a dedicated stream that focuses on exploring the history, current status and future prospects of renewable gas markets. We offer the C-stream sessions in close collaboration with ERGaR, the European Renewable Gas Registry.

Stream D | EACs in practice

We have specifically designed these sessions to provide valuable information for delegates who are new to the renewable energy market. The sessions offer clear explanations of essential elements and provide a safe space for asking questions. We offer the D-stream sessions in close collaboration with EKOenergy.

Please note that the times of these sessions may be subject to change. 

You can download the RMM2025 Brochure below.

14:00 - 17:00
Pre-conference Academy session 1 – Energy tracking systems around the world
14:00 - 17:00
Pre-conference Academy session 2 – Modernising energy tracking systems
Van Evercooren, Dirk
RECS - 2DegNRG Advisor
Güngör, Merve
RECS Energy Certificate Association Policy and Network Manager

RECS Energy Certificate Association has been developing, analysing, and advocating for Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) markets on behalf of members for over 20 years. In this session, the Association's leaders will present their policy priorities for the future development of mature EAC markets. Those attending this session will have the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of RECS' policy platform, with special emphasis on its flagship policy demand of full consumption disclosure (FCD). Furthermore, during this session, RECS experts will cover other topics such as supporting effective purchasing decisions, transitioning to monthly disclosure periods, and ensuring timestamping on all Energy Attribute Certificates.

14:00 - 17:00
Pre-conference Academy session 4 – Designing GO systems for heating and cooling
14:00 - 17:00
Pre-conference Academy Session 5 – Renewable energy buyer’s basics

Lindberg, Tom
Ecohz Chief Executive Officer 
White, Adam
RECS Energy Certificate Association Secretary-General

Renewable energy markets and energy attribute certificates have long proven their ability to track the ownership of energy attributes robustly and reliably from producer to consumer. By doing this, they enable consumers to choose the type of energy they prefer to purchase and also give renewable generators supplementary income. But what more could, and should, they be doing? In this session, a panel of industry experts will make the case for investing in impact, no only for renewables, but also for people and the planet.

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30
2a | Deep-dive – Is reshaping EU renewable markets possible?
Tytgat, Jan
Umicore Director Government Affairs EU

During this session, expert speakers will discuss whether consumers are contributing enough towards promoting the growth of renewables through energy attribute markets. Ours is a market with a mission – to help drive
the energy transition, cut emissions, and tackle climate change. Although all markets must be economically sound, renewables markets have the potential to provide social and environmental advantages. Can consumers shape the market or does the market shape them? Alternatively, should legislators implement further regulations to ensure that renewables markets meet our shared objectives?

Hamers, Tim
ERGaR, the European Renewable Gas Registry Secretary General

The biomethane certification process can appear complicated due to the existence of multiple certificates serving different objectives. There are Guarantees of Origin (GOs), Proofs of Sustainability (PoS), and in some countries, national certificates. Understanding the roles and differences of each certificate can be challenging, especially for those who are new to the market. In this session, expert speakers will introduce the different biomethane attribute certificates and explain the practical aspects of how to use them. The panel will discuss how market participants and regulators could further develop this important sector.

11:30 - 12:30
2d | Understanding the basics – How are energy certificates issued and why? 
12:30 - 14:00
Networking Buffet Lunch
Güngör, Merve
RECS Energy Certificate Association Policy and Network Manager
Van Evercooren, Dirk
RECS - 2DegNRG Advisor

Full consumption disclosure is RECS’ primary policy demand for the future of renewable energy markets, and for good reason. Providing complete information about the energy we use promotes transparency, enabling
consumers to make informed choices and creating a level playing field for all types of energy. Delegates attending this session will learn how full disclosure can shift energy demand from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources.
This shift in demand will help drive the energy transition by
empowering consumers.

14:00 - 15:00
3b | Overview – Is India’s renewable energy market on track for success? 
Lim, Kevin
Veyt Renewable Fuels Analyst

The biomethane market can be difficult to understand due to various certificates, an uncoordinated European market, and constantly changing support schemes in each country. During this session, delegates will gain
key insights into the recent developments in biomethane volumes and prices over the past year. Experts will explain the major trends that we have already observed as well as highlight upcoming changes that may impact the future.

14:00 - 15:00
3d | Understanding the basics – How are energy certificates traded?
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30
4a | Deep-dive – Will growing renewable hydrogen markets interact effectively?
Güngör, Merve
RECS Energy Certificate Association Policy and Network Manager

To demonstrate their commitment to making impactful investments, buyers of renewable energy can opt to purchase Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) with added labels indicating specific social or environmental
benefits. Participants will explore whether these labels help to drive corporate procurement decisions and, if so, how they shape these choices. During this session, delegates will learn about the functionality of EAC labels, their significance in the renewable energy markets, and whether they can enhance the voluntary procurement of renewable energy by generating additional impacts.

Hamers, Tim
ERGaR, the European Renewable Gas Registry Secretary General
Dolzhenko, Kateryna
Shell Energy Europe Limited Regulatory Affairs Manager

Energy market participants anticipate that the Union Database (UDB) will bring significant changes to how biomethane Proofs of Sustainability (PoS) are tracked. The use of IT infrastructure by the UDB will shift biomethane PoS trading from primarily relying on email exchanges to potentially involving a complex and challenging system to navigate. Those who attend this session will gain valuable insights from industry insiders, helping them to understand the current status of the UDB and its expected impact on the renewable gas market.

15:30 - 16:30
4d | Understanding the basics – How are energy certificates used and why?
16:30 - 17:00
White, Adam
RECS Energy Certificate Association Secretary-General
Eccard, Thomas
RECS Energy Certificate Association Chair of Board

During our traditional review session at the end of Day 1, the RECS leadership team will reflect on the conference thus far, with a particular focus on the central theme of ‘investing in impact’. The speakers will also review a dynamic and exciting year in energy certificate markets before looking ahead to the possibility of more change to come. We will inform delegates of the significant accomplishments of RECS on behalf of its members during the past year as well as the organisation’s plans and objectives for the future. This high-level session ends Day 1 of the conference and aims to provide plenty of topics for conversation during the evening’s social events.

17:45 - 18:45
Reception Drinks
19:30 - 22:30
Dinner Party

Debay, Ivan
Origo Founder & CEO

The volumes and prices session has consistently been the best-attended part of previous REC Market Meetings. Building on this success, we will continue to provide illuminating market insights for conference delegates. This session will focus exclusively on the European market and speakers will share their expectations for GO volumes and prices over the next 12 months. Delegates attending this session will get a clear overview of the state of the market and the certificates that underpin it.

09:00 - 10:00
6b | Overview – Is there a growing need for Standard EAC contracts? 
09:00 - 10:00
6c | Renewable Gas – Is EU policy sufficient to reach the 35bcm target?
Akoetey-Eyiah, Enam
International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC External Standard Coordinator

Just as energy markets cover different geographies and jurisdictions, so do their related energy attribute certificate schemes and markets. In this session, expert speakers will define the boundaries of these markets, explain how and why they are established, and discuss the ways in which they can affect the consumption, production, and trade of renewable energy. During the session, delegates will learn about time limitations for certificates, including their validity and expiration periods.

10:00 - 10:30
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:30
7a | Deep-dive – Global EAC volumes and prices
10:30 - 11:30
7b | Overview – Are consumers driving renewable energy markets? 
10:30 - 11:30
7c | Renewable Gas – What rules should biomethane support mechanisms follow?
Kildal, Hans Petter
Becour CEO

During the final session of the D-stream series on the basics of energy attribute certificate markets and systems, experts will provide an in-depth exploration of additional labels, tools and services that can amplify the impact of renewable energy markets. During the event, delegates will gain an understanding of how both producers and consumers can use various tools to facilitate, shape and enhance the role of renewable markets in expediting the transition towards clean energy.

11:30 - 12:00
White, Adam
RECS Energy Certificate Association Secretary-General

If you didn’t spend too much time networking and instead attended the sessions, you will have probably noticed that our focus was on how renewable energy markets can drive impactful investments. During this final keynote session, delegates will engage in a lively, electrifying debate on whether a voluntary approach is sufficient for most renewables markets, or if stronger mandates are necessary. Should regulators mandate the consumption of renewables? Should EU law require energy producers to invest in renewables? Delegates will leave the conference brimming with insightful ideas, feeling inspired to make their mark and motivated to return in 2026!

13:00 - 14:30
Networking Buffet Lunch